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> 焊后熱處理對7055-0.1Sc鋁合金攪拌摩擦焊接頭的組織與力學性能的影響


995   編輯:中冶有色技術網(wǎng)   來源:馬俊雅,張振,李靜靜,王貝貝,王英君,薛鵬,劉峰超,倪丁瑞,肖伯律,馬宗義  
2024-04-19 14:00:05
Al-Zn-Mg-Cu(7000系)高強鋁合金具有高比強度、比剛度和良好的耐腐蝕性能,在航空航天、船舶制造、軌道交通等領域得到了廣泛的應用[1,2] 添加稀土元素Sc對鋁合金有顯著的改性作用,使其具有高強度、高耐熱性和良好的抗蝕性[3,4] 在傳統(tǒng)7055、7075等高強鋁合金中加入微量Sc元素的Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Sc鋁合金可使其具有更加優(yōu)異的綜合力學性能[5,6],但是用熔焊焊接高強7000系(包括含Sc)鋁合金時產(chǎn)生的氣孔和熱裂紋等缺陷使接頭的力學性能嚴重降低[7] 攪拌摩擦焊(Friction Stir Welding,F(xiàn)SW)是一種固相連接技術,特別適于焊接Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Sc鋁合金 [8]

雖然FSW的熱輸入明顯小于熔焊,但是其接頭仍出現(xiàn)軟化現(xiàn)象 先前的研究表明,提高時效強化鋁合金接頭力學性能的三種方式,分別是提高焊接速度[9,10]、采用冷卻介質增加FSW過程的冷卻速率[11]和焊后熱處理[12~15] 焊后熱處理是最有效的方式 對5.4 mm厚2219-T6鋁合金FSW接頭的研究表明[12],焊后人工時效熱處理能顯著提高焊速接頭的力學性能 對6 mm厚2014-T6鋁合金FSW接頭的研究表明[12],焊后固溶+人工時效(T6)熱處理可將接頭硬度恢復到母材的水平,但是接頭焊核區(qū)(Nugget zone, NZ)的晶粒發(fā)生了異常長大[13] Robert等[14]對2519-0.36Sc鋁合金進行FSW,發(fā)現(xiàn)焊后T6熱處理使接頭的整體硬度明顯提高,但是NZ區(qū)的晶粒異常長大,且在NZ與熱機影響區(qū)(Thermal-mechanically affected zone, TMAZ)的界面出現(xiàn)了孔洞,使接頭的疲勞性能大幅降低 以上研究表明,焊后熱處理能提高時效強化鋁合金FSW接頭的硬度,但是T6熱處理使某些合金接頭NZ出現(xiàn)晶粒異常長大和孔洞 在焊后T6熱處理過程中FSW接頭的晶粒是否異常長大,與接頭的原始晶粒尺寸有密切的關系[15],而工藝參數(shù)是影響FSW接頭晶粒尺寸的關鍵因素 Sc能抑制晶粒長大 基于此,本文對11 mm厚7055-0.1Sc-T4鋁合金進行FSW,研究焊后人工時效和T6熱處理對接頭的組織和性能的影響

1 實驗方法

實驗用母材(Base material, BM)為11 mm厚的7055-0.1Sc-T4軋制板材,其化學成分和力學性能分別列于表1和表2

Table 1



Table 1Chemical composition of 7055-0.1Sc-T4 plate (mass fraction, %)

Zn Mg Cu Sc Zr Si Fe Mn Al
7.6~8.4 1.8~2.3 2.0~2.6 0.1 0.08~0.25 ≤0.1 ≤0.15 ≤0.05 Bal.

Table 2



Table 2Tensile properties of 7055-0.1Sc-T4

Yield Strength / MPa Tensile Strength / MPa

Elongation /


595±28 635±36 9±5

進行FSW前,用砂紙將試板表面打磨以除去表面的氧化膜,再用酒精清除表面的油污 用FSW-SDLM 50型焊機對100 mm×300 mm板材進行對焊,攪拌頭的主軸傾角為2.75°,轉速為500 r/min,焊速分別為100 mm/min和250 mm/min,焊后的接頭在空氣中自然冷卻至室溫

將接頭在室溫下放置20 d后,切取試樣分別進行焊后人工時效(120℃×24 h)和T6(470℃×1.5 h+水淬+120℃×24 h)熱處理 分別將焊態(tài)(As welded, AW)接頭、焊后人工時效態(tài)(Artificial aging, AA)接頭和固溶+人工時效態(tài)(T6)接頭簡稱AW接頭、AA接頭和T6接頭 例如,500-100-AW表示轉速為500 r/min,焊速為100 mm/min的焊接態(tài)接頭

在垂直于焊接方向切取金相樣品,將其磨拋后用Keller試劑(2 mL HF+3 mL HCl+5 mL HNO3+190 mL H2O)腐蝕,然后分別用體視顯微鏡和Leica DMI光學顯微鏡觀察其宏觀和微觀組織

沿焊接樣品板厚的中線,使用Leco LM-247AT型硬度儀測試樣品的顯微硬度,載荷為300 g,保壓時間15 s,各點間距為1.5 mm 將TEM試樣預減薄至約60 μm,然后將其沖成直徑為3 mm的圓片,再將其在30% HNO3+70% CH3OH溶液中雙噴減薄,用液氮冷卻后使用JEOL JEM-2100F型透射電鏡(TEM)觀察和分析接頭各區(qū)域的第二相特征,加速電壓為200 kV

在垂直于焊接方向切取室溫拉伸樣品,其尺寸在圖1中給出 用INSTRON 5982型拉伸機測試拉伸性能,應變速率為1×10-3 s-1,測試3個標準試樣,取其結果的平均值 用Quanta 450型掃描電鏡(SEM) 觀察拉伸后斷口的形貌


Fig.1Configuration and sizes of tensile specimen

2 結果和討論2.1 接頭的形貌

圖2給出了各種FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4接頭橫截面的宏觀形貌 可以看出,焊接態(tài)接頭均沒有出現(xiàn)任何焊接缺陷(圖2a和b),可分為NZ、TMAZ和熱影響區(qū)(Heat affected zone, HAZ)三個區(qū)域 焊后T6熱處理沒有改變低焊速接頭500-100-T6的宏觀形貌(圖2c),但是高焊速接頭500-250-T6底部的顏色發(fā)生明顯的改變(圖2d)且出現(xiàn)了晶粒異常長大 接頭500-100-T6中心和接頭500-250-T6底部(圖2c和d中黑色箭頭所示)的拋光態(tài)局部放大圖顯示,在兩個區(qū)域均出現(xiàn)了微小孔洞(圖3a和b),其位置均位于接頭“S”線上 與AW接頭相比,人工時效熱處理的FSW接頭宏觀和微觀形貌沒有變化

圖2FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4焊接態(tài)和T6態(tài)接頭橫截面的宏觀形貌

Fig.2Cross-sectional macrostructure of FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4 joints (a) 500-100-AW, (b) 500-250-AW, (c) 500-100-T6, (d) 500-250-T6

圖3圖2c, d中黑色箭頭所示位置的放大圖

Fig.3Magnified of zones marked by the black arrows in Fig.2c, d

溫度較低(120℃)的人工時效熱處理后,F(xiàn)SW接頭的宏觀和微觀形貌與焊接態(tài)接頭的組織基本相同,而FSW鋁合金接頭在焊后T6熱處理過程中晶粒異常長大[13~15] 鋁合金的晶粒穩(wěn)定性與晶粒尺寸和第二相分布有關[15~17] 在FSW過程中較高的熱輸入和劇烈塑性變形使NZ發(fā)生動態(tài)再結晶,NZ晶粒為等軸細小的再結晶晶粒,此時晶界處于高自由能狀態(tài),焊后晶界仍保持較高的能量狀態(tài),NZ底部晶粒越細其晶界能越高[18] 本文的研究中,低焊速接頭500-100-AW的晶粒較大 NZ中Al3(Zr, Sc)等難溶顆粒對晶粒長大的抑制,使焊后T6熱處理沒有改變低焊速接頭500-100-T6的晶粒形貌 但是,高焊速500-250-AW接頭的晶粒更加細小,高角晶界能給二次再結晶極大的驅動力,細小晶粒與周圍晶粒合并以降低晶界能,達到更穩(wěn)定的組織狀態(tài)[19];Al3(Zr, Sc)等相對晶界的釘扎已不能抑制其晶粒長大,因此在接頭500-250-T6 NZ底部晶界能最高的位置發(fā)生晶粒異常長大(圖2d和圖4e)

圖4FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4焊接態(tài)和T6態(tài)接頭不同位置的微觀組織

Fig.4OM of different regions in the FSW joints (a) BM, (b)~(e) magnified NZ of position B~E in Fig.2

圖5給出了FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4接頭中的“S”線分布 “S”線源自于板材原始面,由高密度的Al2O3顆粒組成[20] 從圖5可以看出,轉速為500 r/min、焊接速度為100 mm/min時“S”線從NZ的底部開始偏向后退側,最后呈弧狀向上曲折延伸到接頭上部(圖5a) 焊速由100 mm/min提高到250 mm/min,NZ材料的流動弱化[21],使后退側更多的金屬材料參與NZ成型,使接頭“S”線的彎曲程度提高且集中在NZ中心區(qū)域(圖5b) 與AW態(tài)相比,T6熱處理的接頭其“S”線形狀不變,但更加直觀、易于觀察(圖5c和d),“S”線上分布著許多黑點 本研究中的黑點形貌分布與Ren等[22]對FSW 7075-T651鋁合金接頭的報道類似 該報道稱,T6熱處理后接頭沿“S”線開裂,周圍有許多小孔洞 Hu等[23]觀察了T6熱處理后FSW接頭“S”線周圍出現(xiàn)的小孔洞,認為FSW接頭的殘余應力和氧化物與基體之間線膨脹系數(shù)的差異產(chǎn)生的熱應力,是T6熱處理后“S”線周圍產(chǎn)生小孔洞的原因 這可用于解釋本文實驗中T6熱處理后接頭出現(xiàn)孔洞缺陷(圖3a和b)

圖5FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4焊接態(tài)和T6態(tài)接頭的“S”線分布

Fig.5Pattern of “S” line in FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4 joints (a) 500-100-AW, (b) 500-250-AW, (c) 500-100-T6, (d) 500-250-T6

2.2 硬度分布

圖6給出了各個狀態(tài)FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4接頭橫截面中心線的硬度分布 可以看出,對于各焊接參數(shù),AW態(tài)和AA態(tài)接頭的硬度呈“W”型分布,最低硬度區(qū)(Low hardness zone,LHZ)位于HAZ,隨著焊速由100 mm/min提高到250 mm/min,LHZ的硬度隨之提高,位置內(nèi)移(圖6a和b) 焊后人工時效熱處理明顯提高了500~100和500~250兩種接頭NZ和BM的硬度,但是沒有改變LHZ的硬度 而焊后T6處理使兩個接頭各區(qū)硬度的提高相同(約195 Hv),明顯高于BM(T4態(tài))的硬度

圖6FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4接頭橫截面中心線的顯微硬度分布

Fig.6Microhardness profile of FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4 joints

沉淀強化鋁合金FSW接頭的硬度分布,主要受各區(qū)域沉淀強化相演變的影響 7000系(Al-Zn-Mg-Cu)鋁合金是可熱處理強化鋁合金,在T6熱處理過程中這種合金的析出相序列為SSSS→GP Zone(I or II)→η'(MgZn2)→η(MgZn2)[9] 在7055鋁合金中添加微量Sc元素,生成的Al3(Zr, Sc)與基體保持良好的共格關系[4],彌散分布在基體中有穩(wěn)定晶界和彌散強化的作用 Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Sc鋁合金在較低的溫度(25~100℃)時效GP區(qū)和Al3(Zr, Sc)是主要強化相[9],而在高于120℃[9]的溫度時效則η'相、η相和Al3(Zr, Sc)相是主要強化相

圖7給出了FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4接頭BM、NZ、LHZ的典型TEM明場像 BM沉淀相為球狀Al3(Zr, Sc)和GP區(qū)[24],對基體有彌散強化作用(圖7a和b) 在FSW過程中NZ經(jīng)歷了峰值溫度>475℃的熱循環(huán)[25],使GP區(qū)溶解,板條狀的η相基于Al3(Zr, Sc)顆粒相形核并析出(圖7c),在后續(xù)自然時效過程中NZ中的GP區(qū)重新析出[24],使NZ的硬度略比BM低但是遠高于LHZ

圖7FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4焊接態(tài)和T6接頭沉淀相的分布

Fig.7TEM micrographs (a) BF and (b) associated diffraction patterns of BM; (c) NZ and (d) LHZ of 500-100-AW; (e) NZ and (f) LHZ of 500-100-T6

在FSW過程中HAZ經(jīng)歷峰值溫度為360~370℃的熱循環(huán)[26],使GP區(qū)溶解并析出粗化的η'相和η相(圖7d),粗化沉淀相破壞了與基體之間的共格關系[27],使硬度降低,因此HAZ的硬度最低 470℃×1.5 h固溶處理使500~100接頭各區(qū)的沉淀相重新溶進Al基體中,提高了基體中溶質原子的濃度、相變驅動力和形核率,在隨后的人工時效過程中接頭各區(qū)的沉淀相均勻析出細小且高密度的η'和η相(圖7e和f),因此T6處理后接頭的硬度分布呈“一”字分布,硬度整體提高

2.3 拉伸性能和斷裂特征

表3列出了各FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4接頭的拉伸性能 可以看出,F(xiàn)SW各接頭的抗拉強度明顯低于BM;焊后人工時效熱處理使500~100和500~250接頭的抗拉強度分別小幅度提高了15.9 MPa和9.1 MPa,塑性小幅度降低;而焊后T6處理使500-100-T6和500-250-T6接頭的抗拉強度分別大幅度提高了156.6 MPa和86.5 MPa,其最高強度系數(shù)可達87.6%,但是接頭幾乎沒有塑性而直接脆斷

Table 3


表3FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4的接頭熱處理前后的拉伸性能

Table 3Transverse tensile properties of FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4 joints under AW, AA and T6 states

Number Sample Tensile Strength / MPa Elongation / % Strength coefficient / %
1 500-100-AW 399.9±1.4 8.9±0.5 63.0%
2 500-250-AW 468.5±7.8 6.3±0.5 73.8%
3 500-100-AA 415.8±2.1 4.3±0.4 65.5%
4 500-250-AA 477.6±3.5 3.8±0.4 75.2%
5 500-100-T6 556.5±1.5 Brittle fracture 87.6%
6 500-250-T6 555.0±2.0 Brittle fracture 87.4%

圖8給出了各FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4接頭拉伸斷裂的位置,黑色箭頭所指為接頭斷裂時產(chǎn)生的裂紋 AW態(tài)和AA態(tài)FSW接頭的斷裂位置均位于LHZ,斷裂路徑呈“之”字形,中部路徑與接頭的拉伸方向呈45°夾角,上部和下部路徑與中部垂直(圖8a) 而T6態(tài)FSW接頭的斷裂位置均位于NZ(圖8b和c) 進一步觀察可以發(fā)現(xiàn),500-100-T6接頭斷裂路徑的中下部與“S”線基本重合(圖8b),500-250-T6接頭的斷裂路徑只在根部與少量“S”線重合(圖8c)

圖8FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4焊接態(tài)和T6接頭的斷裂位置

Fig.8Fracture locations of FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4 joints (a) 500-100-AW, (b) 500-100-T6, (c) 500-250-T6

焊后T6熱處理后,接頭都在NZ斷裂 低焊速的T6態(tài)接頭“S”線上的微孔洞(圖3a)在拉伸過程中成為裂紋源且沿著與基體結合強度較弱的“S”線擴展[23],因此500-100-T6接頭的斷裂路徑與“S”線部分重合 高焊速的500-250-T6接頭根部的斷裂路徑(圖8c中紅框位置)與圖3b中的根部“S”線對應,表明該位置為接頭拉伸時先斷裂的部位 與低焊速接頭相比,高焊速接頭的“S”線分布更加彎曲,使500-250-T6接頭的斷裂路徑只有少部分與“S” 線重合[22]

圖9給出了FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4 接頭的典型斷口形貌 從圖9可見,500-100-AW接頭斷口的宏觀形貌較為平坦(圖9a),而500-100-T6接頭的宏觀斷口上、下明顯不同 圖9b中左側黑色箭頭一側為接頭下部,呈臺階狀,而上部凹凸不平 500-100-AW斷口中心位置C放大后的微觀形貌表明,其斷裂形式主要是穿晶斷裂,可觀察到明顯的韌窩組織,韌窩底部有沉淀相顆粒,是典型的鋁合金斷口形貌(圖9c) 在500-100-T6接頭的拉伸過程中,其NZ中部“S”線上的孔洞成為裂紋源,裂紋沿“S”線向接頭上下擴展 因此,位置D和E放大后的微觀形貌為解理斷裂,沒有明顯的韌窩組織特征,為典型的脆性斷裂特征(圖9d和e) 需要強調的是,接頭500-250-AW、500-100-AA和500-250-AA與接頭500-100-AW斷口的形貌類似,接頭500-250-T6與接頭500-100-T6的斷口形貌類似

圖9FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4焊接態(tài)和T6接頭斷口的形貌

Fig.9Fracture morphologies of FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4 joints, macrographic of (a) 500-100-AW, (b) 500-250-T6; magnified micrographs of positions C-E: (c) position C, (d) position D, (e) position E

3 結論

(1) 在轉速為500 r/min、焊接速度為100~250 mm/min條件下,7055-0.1Sc-T4的FSW接頭沒有焊接缺陷,其最低硬度區(qū)位于熱影響區(qū)

(2) 焊后人工時效熱處理使焊核區(qū)和母材區(qū)域的硬度提高,但是低硬度區(qū)的硬度沒有明顯變化,接頭的抗拉強度小幅提高而塑性降低

(3) T6熱處理后低焊速接頭焊核區(qū)的晶粒沒有異常長大,但是高焊速接頭焊核區(qū)底部的晶粒異常長大;T6熱處理將FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4接頭各區(qū)的硬度提高到均一水平,使其強度大幅提高、強度系數(shù)提高到87.6%,但是其塑性極低

(4) 焊接態(tài)“S”線不影響FSW 7055-0.1Sc-T4接頭的拉伸性能,但是T6熱處理使接頭出現(xiàn)沿“S”線分布的孔洞,拉伸時接頭沿“S”線脆斷


View Option 原文順序文獻年度倒序文中引用次數(shù)倒序被引期刊影響因子


Schuster P A, ?sterreicher J A, Kirov G, et al.

Characterization and comparison of process chains for producing automotive structural parts from 7xxx aluminum sheets

[J]. Metals, 2019, 9(3): 305

DOIURL [本文引用: 1]

Due to their high specific strength, EN AW-7xxx aluminium alloys are promising materials for reducing the weight of automotive structural parts. However, their formability at room temperature is poor due to pronounced natural ageing. Therefore, we investigated hot stamping and W-temper forming for EN AW-7075 and a modified variant of EN AW-7021. For hot stamping of the modified EN AW-7021, a low-temperature stabilisation heat treatment (pre-aging at 80 °C for 1 h) was incorporated into the process chain design to inhibit natural ageing after forming. The process chains were compared with respect to dimensional accuracy, mechanical properties, microstructure, precipitation status (assessed by differential scanning calorimetry) and crashworthiness. It was found that hot stamping is suitable to form failure-free parts with good dimensional accuracy for both alloys while W-temper forming suffers from springback. Within a time-span of 21 days after forming, hardness values of hot stamped and stabilised parts did not increase significantly. Compared to non-stabilised parts, stabilised parts also showed significantly improved folding behaviour in quasi-static compression testing and absorbed approximately 15% more energy.


Peng X Y, Guo Q, Liang X P, et al.

Mechanical properties, corrosion behavior and microstructures of a non-isothermal ageing treated Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy

[J]. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2017, 688: 146

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Yu L B, Wang W Y, Wang J, et al.

The effects of Sc addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Be-Al alloy fabricated by induction melting

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Microalloying Al alloys with Sc: a review

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Teng G B, Liu C Y, Li J, et al.

Effect of Sc on microstructure and mechanical property of 7055 Al-alloy

[J]. Chin. J. Mater. Res., 2018, 32(2): 112

DOI [本文引用: 1]

The effect of Sc addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 7055 Al-alloy as-cast, as well as after homogenization-, rolling-, solution- and aging-treatment was investigated. The addition of 0.25%(mass fraction) Sc could lead to the formation of Al3(Sc, Zr) phase, which can promote the heterogeneous nucleation during casting. Therefore, the microstructure of the as cast 7055 Al-alloy was refined. The precipitation of nano-sized Al3(Sc, Zr) phase occurred during the homogenization treatment of the 7055-Sc Al-alloy, and this nano-sized Al3( Sc, Zr) phase could effectively inhibit the coarsening of Al grains during homogenization treatment, and play a role in pinning the grain boundaries, therewith inhibiting the recovery and recrystallization, thus retaining the fiber-like structure during subsequent rolling and solution treatments. Compared to the plain 7055 Al-alloy, the 7055-Sc Al alloy exhibited much higher fine grain strengthening effect due to finer grain size and showed higher tensile strength and hardness as high as 642 MPa and 218 HV, respectively.

滕廣標, 劉崇宇, 李 劍 等.


[J]. 材料研究學報, 2018, 32(2): 112

DOI [本文引用: 1]

研究了添加Sc元素對7055鋁合金鑄造、均勻化處理、軋制和固溶時效過程的微觀結構演化以及力學性能的影響 結果表明,向7055溶液中添加質量分數(shù)為0.25%的Sc導致在鑄造過程中形成初生Al<sub>3</sub>(Sc,Zr)相 這個相能促使合金發(fā)生非均質形核,顯著細化合金的鑄造組織 在7055-Sc鋁合金的均勻化處理過程中析出高密度納米Al<sub>3</sub>(Sc, Zr)相,不但能抑制晶粒粗化,而且在后期軋制變形和固溶時效處理過程中還起釘扎晶界、抑制回復與再結晶、保留纖維組織的作用 與7055鋁合金相比,7055-Sc鋁合金的晶粒尺寸更小,因此具有更有效的細晶強化效應 添加Sc的時效處理態(tài)7055鋁合金的最大抗拉強度和顯微硬度,分別提高到642 MPa和218 HV


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Fabrication of 7075-0.25Sc-0.15Zr alloy with excellent damping and mechanical properties by FSP and T6 treatment

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The influence of post-weld heat treatment on the microstructure and fatigue properties of Sc-modified AA2519 friction stir-welded joint

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The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of post-weld heat treatment (PWHT, precipitation hardening) on the microstructure and fatigue properties of an AA2519 joint obtained in a friction stir-welding process. The welding process was performed with three sets of parameters. One part of the obtained joints was investigated in the as-welded state and the second part of joints was subjected to the post-weld heat treatment (precipitation hardening) and then investigated. In order to establish the influence of the heat treatment on the microstructure of obtained joints both light and scanning electron microscopy observations were performed. Additionally, microhardness analysis for each sample was carried out. Fatigue properties of the samples in the as-welded state and the samples after post-weld heat treatment were established in a low-cycle fatigue test with constant true strain amplitude equal to ε = 0.25% and cycle asymmetry coefficient R = 0.1. Hysteresis loops together with changes of stress and plastic strain versus number of cycles are presented in this paper. The fatigue fracture in tested samples was analyzed with the use of scanning electron microscope. Our results show that post-weld heat treatment of AA2519 friction stir-welded joints significantly decreases their fatigue life.


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Characterization and comparison of process chains for producing automotive structural parts from 7xxx aluminum sheets



“焊后熱處理對7055-0.1Sc鋁合金攪拌摩擦焊接頭的組織與力學性能的影響” 該技術專利(論文)所有權利歸屬于技術(論文)所有人。僅供學習研究,如用于商業(yè)用途,請聯(lián)系該技術所有人。
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